In the search for a perfect beer, one might go through a variety of styles. The stout for example is heavy and rich and it will leave the drinker with a lovely foamy coffee flavored mustache. A good porter always has a place in ones fridge and heart. A shortage of IPA’s will never be an experience to be had in Bend. A style of beer however, many have discredited as being a strong competitor is the Lager. Its crisp, clean, and light with the benefit of a regular ABV level. Beer falls in 2 categories, Ale or Lager. The main difference is the yeast used to ferment them. Understanding a little about beer is beneficial when choosing the right one for the occasion.
Lagers and pilsners need excess fermentation time, the yeast maturing in 8 plus weeks. Ales are much different in that a good Ale can be enjoyed very new, only 2 weeks old. Lagers are also among some of the most difficult beers to produce consistently well. A notable difference in taste is present between an Ale and a Lager/Pilsner. Ales can be fruity or spicy as a result of the bi products derived from the yeast. Lagers and pilsners are noted for being “clean” and “crisp,” with absent yeast flavors, putting the focus entirely on the quality of the malts and hops.
Metrotimes shed light on why perhaps there has been a negative association with Pilsners and quality…
“Through a case of mistaken identity, pilsners had been relegated to a backseat role in the craft beer world for years. Beer drinkers have often associated macro beers like Budweiser, Miller, and Coors as pilsners, but they belong to a class of their own; the American Adjunct Lagers. Brewed with large amounts of corn or rice, and not nearly as many bittering hops, these beers don’t stand up to a well-made pilsner”.
Pilsners sales have risen more than 100% in the last 2 years and lucky for you we carry several delicious Pilsners and Lagers. Here are a few of our staff favorites.
The Breakside Brewery Pilsner from Portland, OR. This is a clean, crisp, refreshing every day drinker.
The Ninkasi Helles Belles Lager from Eugene, OR is a 6 pack to keep on hand in case friends stop by.
The MAUI Brewing company puts out a Lager as delicious as the name is appealing. The Bikini Blonde. Pick it up today.
Of course Deschutes Brewery doesn’t seem to put out anything less than amazing, so here is one of our favorite local to Bend Lagers. The Pacific Wonderland is a new Lager paying homage to the quintessential Bend Lifestyle.
So when on the Bend Ale Trail or browsing the enormous selection of beer East Bend Liquor now offers, don’t forget to ask for a good Lager or Pilsner to add to your favorites list.